Quote of the Week

Miss a meal if you have to, but never miss a book!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Stephen King's Under the Dome

What a way to start off the New Year - only three days in and already one very good book down. I'd say great but it has it's flaws.

Well, it's huge, but I knew that going in. The cast of characters is enormous, but King does his usual good job of introducing the important characters and making them memorable. Some of the characters didn't have enough depth and I would have liked to know them better - Brenda Perkins for example. Some of the characters were very stereotypical, but having enjoyed other King works like this one, I think that is just his way of making a point. Or several points. You love the characters that you are supposed to love and you hate those that you are supposed to hate.

The Stand was my favorite King novel ever. Still is. But this one is very reminiscent of The Stand. I was hoping for a different explanation regarding the sudden appearance and source of the Dome; however, the book isn't so much about the Dome itself but about the possibility or propensity for good or evil inside each of the characters.

I was hooked from the groundhog on and couldn't put it down. For being so lengthy the book was an easy read - very quick. Once you are into the story it is hard to put down. Stephen King does an excellent job of proving, once again, why he is the master....

I would have liked to focus more on the simple problems that people separated from the rest of the world would face - what would they do without power? How would their food keep? How would they heat their homes? Would they need to? What about those needing medications? There was a potential for so much more, but at 1072 pages, I understand why he didn't delve too deeply into these things.

In the end, I loved the message that I took away from this book and now, I'm going to wear my little life... like a dress. Once you read the book, you'll understand the reference. ;) All in all, a great way to start the new year.

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